Switch gears and do something different.

Kick off : (Idea's Matrix Workshop)

Our goal is to use the matrix of Platform and Topics to find an interesting challenge for yourself.

Choose a Platform, then 1 or 2 Topics to form an area of interest, and then descibe what you would like to do in one short paragraph.

You have until the 1st of April to submit:

  1. Platform
  2. Topic(s)
  3. Description


Private/Permission chain:

EOSIO | DAML | Hyperledger | Corda | Hedera Hashgraph

Public chain:

EOS | WAX | TELOS | Polygon | Solana | ETH | Cardano | Algorand | Flow | Bitcoin | Polkadot


DEFI | Gaming | NFTs | DEX | CEX | DAO | Social | Bridge | Performance | EVM | Metaverse

Wallets | WebauthN | Digital ID | Self Sovereign ID | Trading Bots | Hacks | Governance


Project Submit:

Mid-point Check in

The workshop would be about, each person sharing their plan in a bit more detail, specifying their deliverable commitment. Ask for feedback from peers. This is also an opportunity to ask for help /direction / guidance.
This should also serve as a prompt to stay on track, and make sure that you are dedicating enough effort to the project to make it through to a succesful submission.

    Delivery Submission:

    Delivery Due. Present a report or demo. Basically present the planned output that the person presented/committed to in Phase 2.

    The deliverable will be a presentation of your work / findings / report.

    Output: (To the team & Judges)

    1. 5 minute presentation.
    2. Blog post – this is your main submission, it should detail out your work effort and findings. (Template will be provided)
    3. Github – optional if needed.

    Q2 (Provisional Dates).

    Kick off:

    • 23rd March | Kickoff – Workshop call (~hr)
    • 1st of April | Project Registration – Selected Platform and Topic(s), with a high level description of their project. Submission form (rewired.one/team-projects)

    Mid-point Check in:

    • 28th April – Check in workshop. (~1 hr)

    Delivery Submission:

    • June 16th – Presentations (~2 hrs)
    • Judge feedbacks


    *This is an experiment – we are going to see how it runs, and evaluate the outputs from it. Success will be determined by the number of publishable submissions. We will look to improve and build on it.


    • Rewired.one will evaluate completed submissions – and have the right to publish on website and socials.
    • Private repos within Rewired’s Github will be made available. All deliverable sources should be made available.
    • Prizes to be confirmed.

    Expected Participation

    Rewired contracted staff

    E.g. If you have 10 hours or more with rewired per week, or you are full-time via a signed contract you are expected to participate.

    • You will be able to use up to 10% of your agreed hours per week, towards this activity. See your line manager if you need more feedback on what this would look like.
    • If you have reason to not participate in this, please contact Leslee or Brendon directly.

    Rewired casual staff *ad hoc work

    Completely voluntary. Costs in time/effort are not covered.